Plot2Kill 0.02

dsimcha dsimcha at
Wed Jul 21 13:04:40 PDT 2010

== Quote from Rory Mcguire (rjmcguire at's article
> Do you plan on supporting QT/KDE?
> -Rory

Long term, probably.  Short term, probably not.  QtD is, from what I understand,
not very mature yet.  I had a @#)#* of a time working through bugs, inadequate
documentation, missing features and general lack of polish in gtkD and DFL, and
those are (according to this page:
considered more mature than QtD.

This is not a knock on the developers of these libraries, as I understand that it
takes time to create a mature GUI library/binding and the situation is
continuously improving.  It's just that it's hard to build on that
unstable/immature a foundation.  Once QtD matures to at least the point of DFL and
gtkD, I'll seriously consider a port, but until then don't get your hopes up.

On the other hand, once I'm done refactoring things, I hope that the dflwrapper
and gtkwrapper files will serve as useful examples, so that others can contribute
the code to do a port.  This should not be very hard for someone who already knows
a given GUI framework well to write.  Basically, you just need to create a default
plot window and subplot widget, and wrap a few drawing primitives in a
compile-time interface.

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