Visual D 0.3.9. released

Rainer Schuetze r.sagitario at
Fri Jun 4 01:58:55 PDT 2010

Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> Lionello Lunesu wrote:
>> Is it possible for you to add the symbols for visuald.dll to the
>> installer as well? VisualD 0.3.8 crashed on me yesterday and I want to
>> investigate further. (It crashed when I started typing pragma
>> (comment,"..."); and I'm not sure that syntax is even correct.
> Good idea. As long as it is troublesome to build the plugin from scratch 
> due to prerequisites and a collection of patches, it could be helpful to 
> get as much information as possible for bug reports.

The new version 0.3.10 is now built that way, with the symbols available 
in the download area.

> I've tried to create a release version with debug symbols, but it 
> crashes dmd, causes assertion and does not compile.
> I've fixed the crash, but the assertions remain. I'll have to 
> investigate...

This turned out to be bad type references, that were only reported when 
combining a release build with building debug information. I'll post to 
bugzilla later...

> Rainer

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