D rpm packages for Linux

Ellery Newcomer ellery-newcomer at utulsa.edu
Fri Jun 25 10:01:14 PDT 2010

On 06/25/2010 10:45 AM, Jordi Sayol i salomó wrote:
> I use Ubuntu 9.10 i386, and there are a lot of 32 bit packages that do
> not works on a 64 bit system without a previous trick (installing some
> 32 bit library packages, etc.)

But doesn't your package manager automatically take care of those 

> Well, can You assure that in all rpm Linux systems (not only in
> Fedora/red-hat) everything needed will be installed?
>  From another point of view, if You think that the libgcc_s.so.1 will be
> automatically installed, Why Your rpm has these other libraries on the
> Requires (dependencies) tag? libc.so.6, libm.so.6 and libstdc++.so.6

Don't know. I didn't put them there. All I have is

Requires:	glibc-devel(x86-32)
Requires:	gcc

Other stuff must have gotten added by the rpm build somehow.

>>> And My preferred solution, create a i386 chroot machine inside Your
>>> x86_64 system, install dmd package on it and compile Yours D programs on
>>> it too.
>> I've never found a need to do this (and I also don't know how).
> Try it! is clean, easy and faster than other virtual machines, for text
> mode. I don't know how to install it in Fedora.

Does it allow different versions of your OS, or just different 

More generally, what is it? :)

> In Ubuntu just install "debootstrap". On Debian-like systems, chroot is
> used to build/compile packages for other architectures than the host
> system, if it is possible.
> Another thing about the creation of dmd rpm package. As You know,
> dmd.conf is a configuration file, and so, it can be changed by another
> future packages (i.e. gtkd o qtd) or by the final user. I think is not a
> good solution to just put it on the place, otherwise You have to make
> some checks during the package installation, upgrading and removing
> process. Check if the file exist, if not, create it, if exist, modify it
> to assure that dmd will properly compile, etc.

How much of that does the %config directive take care of?

> Finally, I do my best to build these packages but, of course, I make a
> lot of mistakes, hope you tell me what can be corrected/improved. And
> from my side, this is not a competition on who creates the best dmd
> package, I just want to have a minimal quality dmd packages to easy
> install/remove on my system. If You do the job, I'll be very happy to
> enjoy it.
> Best regards,

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