D rpm packages for Linux

Ellery Newcomer ellery-newcomer at utulsa.edu
Sat Jun 26 06:53:26 PDT 2010

On 06/25/2010 03:49 PM, Jordi Sayol i Salomó wrote:
>> No, I don't have my reference to this. You do NOT have multiple
>> packages modify the configuration file! You can either choose a
>> "master" packagethat provides a program to manage the configuration
>> file, or you put that program in a new package which everyone would
>> depend on. This is the practice recommended for building Debian packages.
> Really? If You installs dmd and after installs a gtkd package. How do
> gtkd give dmd the Include dirs, lib dirs, etc.?
> Do You really thinks that dmd.conf contained on dmd package has to
> contain all configurations for all the installable packages pending on dmd?
> I know that this is the recommended practice for building Debian
> packages, but a debian packager told me that the only way to do that is
> handle the dmd.conf with preinst, prerm, postinst and postrm scripts.

maybe an alternative would be to just define


and in dmd.conf:
DFLAGS = -L-L/usr/lib/dmd-xxx -I/usr/include/dmd-xxx

and have any additional library put its stuff directly in those two 

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