D rpm packages for Linux

Jordi Sayol i Salomó g.sayol at yahoo.es
Sun Jun 27 01:23:38 PDT 2010

En/na Jesse Phillips ha escrit:
> On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 17:59:01 +0200, Jordi Sayol i Salomó wrote:
>> Where to place druntime lib and headers?
> You could then put them in yet another lib package. I realize this is 
> unreasonable when you don't have a repository to pull in everything 
> needed so it is reasonable to place everything in a single package,

Yes, of course
> but then you shouldn't be expecting that package to interact nicely with 
> others.

Yes, it will. Look below.

Resuming, the list of packages can be:

"dmd"  including exe files and "dmd.conf.manager" script
"libphobos2-dev"  including phobos headers
"libphobos2-dmd-dev"  including phobos static libraries compiled with dmd
"libdruntime-dev"  including druntime headers
"libdruntime-dmd-dev"  including druntime static libraries compiled with dmd
"dmd-phobos-doc"  including html pages and examples, creating some link on main menu

"libphobos2-dmd" and "libdruntime-dmd" will appears when dmd dynamic libs do.

I'm not quite sure on "libphobos2-dev" - "libphobos2-dmd-dev" and "libdruntime-dev" - "libdruntime-dmd-dev" split.
Another possibility is to join them into "libphobos2-dmd-dev" and "libdruntime-dmd-dev", or just call "libphobos2-dev" => "libphobos2-headers" and "libdruntime-dev" => "libdruntime-headers", as ldc deb packager has done with "tango" libraries and headers.


	--others packages deeded by dmd to properly compile--



With this sctructure, others packages can interact nicely with dmd now (one package) and in the future, because them will spect the "dmd.conf.manager" script on dmd package, and this do not change after split dmd.

Jordi Sayol

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