I rewrite std.time for Phobos

SHOO zan77137 at nifty.com
Fri May 14 07:03:59 PDT 2010

Steven Schveighoffer さんは書きました:
> On Thu, 13 May 2010 10:42:56 -0400, SHOO <zan77137 at nifty.com> wrote:
> I don't know if this will be enough, I wish I could tell you different.  
> Can you identify which functions you rewrote from the original proposal 
> to help focus Tango's attention?


- I specified my real name for "Author:" tag.
- Renamed Span to Duration.
- Added Duration.seconds, Duration.mseconds, Duration.useconds, 
- Wrote "Note:" tags and comments for assertion of infringement-free.
- Rewrote EPOCH1970(This becomes the same quantity even if anyone 
calculates, but just to be safe) by own hand newly
- Rewrote Date.isLeapYear by own hand newly (I wrote old isLeapYear by 
own hand too. However, by a check, I confirmed that it was the same as 
Tango's code.)
- Added some unittest codes
- Fixed iso8601 format, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,sss" to 
- Renamed Clocks to Ticks
- Added Ticks.seconds, Ticks.mseconds, Ticks.useconds, Ticks.nseconds.
- Clocks.span to Clocks.duration

> Is there anyone listening from Tango who can check this against Tango 
> code to see if you still consider it to be infringing?
>> If this contribution is turned down, I give up std.time.
> First, I hope this can be included, it looks like very solid code.  
> Second, if it cannot be included, I hope this does not dissuade you from 
> contributing to Phobos for other modules.
> -Steve

Thanks. But don't worry.
My next challenge only begins even if it became the second situation.

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