dmd 1.061 and 2.046 release

BCS none at
Sun May 16 21:10:18 PDT 2010

Hello linux,

> The site looks like it was created using some generic boring
> documentation tool with a basic minimalistic style template. It might
> attract some developers who think that javadoc or doxygen looks a bit
> too artistic for their taste and their largest goal in life is to win
> the international dryness competition. The content of the
> documentation is a bit too grammar oriented. Hopefully the coming book
> will solve this issue.

For documentation, my primary requirements are that it be clear, correct 
and informative. A fair distance after that comes nice prose and that it 
be at least as visually readable as a simple text file in a text editor. 
A *long* ways after that comes any style goals. I'll take an understandable 
document, done as a plain default HTML file over the best presentation anyone 
can do if it gets me even a moderate improvement in the first three points.

... <IXOYE><

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