Build a D project is now easy

Daniel Gibson metalcaedes at
Tue Nov 23 10:06:26 PST 2010

bioinfornatics schrieb:
> hello community,
> I have start a project for generate easily a build system for D project. Currently in d world everyone use his own build system for build a new project with a new system is a bit hard for everyone, for debug  same thing. My tool generate
> makefile system for your project in one command:
> $ dmake --path src --lib src/myProject/
> and for user he need ony do:
> $ make
> $ make install
> At this time only works for build a library.
> This system is usefull for support ldc, gdc and dmd compiler
> You can found the project here:
> Any help are welcome

I think this is a good thing :-)

D compilers are available in many linux distributions (debian, ubuntu and 
archlinux have gdc and ldc, fedora has ldc, don't know about other 
distributions), but D specific build-tools/systems like rebuild, dsss, xfbuild 
etc aren't.
Make is part of any linux distribution, of course.

So now you can use dmake to conveniently create a makefile so anybody who uses 
one of the aforementioned linux distributions can easily compile your software - 
he just needs to install [lg]dc and make from the distributions repository.

This could really help any open source D application, because
1. they're painless to compile and install for users
2. your application being packaged in a linux distribution is more likely, 
because the build dependencies (well, at least the compiler and the make tool) 
already exist in the distribution

Now all we need are killer open source applications written in D ;-)

- Daniel

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