Orange 1.0.0 beta - serialization library

Masahiro Nakagawa repeatedly at
Sun Aug 21 14:07:56 PDT 2011

On Sun, 21 Aug 2011 02:45:20 +0900, dsimcha <dsimcha at> wrote:

> On 8/20/2011 12:50 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
>> Masahiro Nakagawa seems to be working on msgpack:
> Yeah, this does look quite useful.  I tried it a few weeks ago and ran  
> into a couple showstopper bugs.  I filed them and he fixed them, but I  
> never got around to trying it again.
> I actually think that since both are very commonly needed things and  
> satisfy completely different niches, Orange and msgpack4d might both  
> eventually have a rightful place in Phobos.

I agree. In the past, I mentioned this point ;)

> Orange would be recommended when portability and serializing as many  
> types as possible are important, and msgpack4d would be recommended when  
> speed and space efficiency are the primary concerns.

Yes for MessagePack.
In addition, communicating other language is important like JSON.

My D libraries moved to github. msgpack4d is here.

FTTB, bitbucket is available.

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