New homepage design of is now live. <eom>

Nick Sabalausky a at a.a
Mon Dec 5 22:19:37 PST 2011

"Andrei Alexandrescu" <SeeWebsiteForEmail at> wrote in message 
news:jbka3d$2r2m$2 at

Nice, but a little reminder that the "See Example" links are still totally 
broken without JS. Should be easy to fix. May want to just simply them all 
shown by default when JS is off (and with the "See/Hide Example" links 
hidden, since they'd be useless).

Also, the [your code here] link is really goofy. You're using JS to pop up a 
dialog box with instructions. Just make it a n ordinary page link to a small 
separate page, so:

1. People will be be able to select/copy/paste the text (esp the text 

2. You can include links (for instance, to )

3. Seriously, required JS just to show a few words of text? I know JS alert 
boxes are trivial, but so are new pages.

I like the new homepage overall, but these little things (esp on a homepage) 
can make a site seem very unprofessional.

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