
ponce ponce at spam.org
Fri Jul 15 05:25:44 PDT 2011

> Derelict also has 1-byte aligned struct members and it might suffer
> from the same issues, but I haven't tested it out so I can't confirm.
> In either case Derelict is a game-oriented library, and contains no
> examples on how to use PortAudio, plus it's on dsource which is a
> graveyard of dead projects anyway.

Hi, I'm the one which once made a PortAudio derelict binding based on previous work (http://www.dsource.org/projects/bindings/wiki/Portaudio). I made a derelict extension because I didn't know how to do otherwise :)

Portaudio is not a library choice I would make again. I was bitten hard with sound-card dependent synchronization issues, perhaps related to this alignment problem I did not see. BASS and FMOD are the ones I would use now. I made a partial BASS derelict binding too later on.

Cool project btw. 

> For the above reasons (and because I've worked on PortMidi as well),
> I've started my own bindings to PortAudio. Currently it's only built
> on Win32 platforms, but I'll see about getting it to work on Linux as
> well.
> Project link: https://github.com/AndrejMitrovic/DPortAudio
> It has about 15 ported tests, with a few dozen more to do.
> It also has one standalone example, in which you can play your qwerty
> keyboard and the app will play a sinewave at a certain tone in the
> left and right channles, and draw the sinewaves on the screen for both
> channels. The visuals are updated as you "play" your keyboard. :) This
> example is currently built on win32 only.
> Here's a screenshot:
> http://i.imgur.com/7zsdJ.png
> More samples will be coming by, including how to use PortAudio with
> PortMidi to make some cool realtime manipulation of audio data and
> visuals via a MIDI interface.

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