DMD/Objective-C Alpha 1
Robert Clipsham
robert at
Thu Jun 2 04:49:25 PDT 2011
On 02/06/2011 02:54, Michel Fortin wrote:
> It's been some time since I announced I'd be attempting to hack the
> official D compiler to implement support for the Objective-C object
> model, with the ultimate goal to write Cocoa apps entirely in D. I spent
> about 160 hours on this project since the announcement last September,
> and now I'm pleased to have a first version to release.
> You can get it there:
> <>
> It's just the beginning. As the documentation says there is still a lot
> of things to implement, and there will be more bugs to fix after that.
> But it's nevertheless always good to make a first release of a project.
> It's also good to know you're not working alone. Jacob Carlborg has an
> automated binding generator in the works. Hopefully this will allow us
> to provide declarations for most of Cocoa soon.
> If you want to help in some way, let me know.
This is pretty cool! I'd test it, but D for XCode doesn't seem to play
well with XCode 4, and my XCode 3 installation appears to have
disappeared since I installed 4. Will the complete OS X toolchain work
with this eventually? (Interface builder, instruments etc)
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