building of D for...

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Thu Mar 3 22:20:16 PST 2011

On Thursday 03 March 2011 20:37:59 gleb wrote:
> Gentlemans,
> is it possible to build some version of D for ALT Linux (the biggest
> russian version of Linux and one of most used distributions here,
> ) and add to the list of available
> downloads? It would be absolutely great to see it in
> ...
> thank you, with hope :)

Well, I don't know who produces the rpm or deb, so I don't know how likely it is 
to get something for ALT Linux. I've never heard of it and have no idea what 
package format it uses.

However, if all you're looking to do is install dmd, then simply download the 
zip file, unzip it somewhere, and add /path/to/unzipped/dmd2/linux/bin to your 
path, and it should work. There's no need to install it in /usr or whatnot. It 
works quite easily from the unzipped zip file.

- Jonathan M Davis

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