dmd 1.068 and 2.053 release

Mafi mafi at
Sat May 14 06:23:13 PDT 2011

Am 13.05.2011 23:27, schrieb Walter Bright:
> Thanks for everyone's hard work on this release!
> Now includes FreeBSD:

I just wanted to say that you made my day but then I tried to compile 
one of my projetcs and assertion failures in the compiler! :0 !
Finally I've tracked it done and the problem is

import std.conv;
enum s1 = to!string('\uE000'+ 6);    //works without s
enum s2 = cast(dchar)('\uE000'+ 6);  //works without s
enum s = to!string(cast(dchar)('\uE000'+ 6));

causes "Assertion failure: '(newval->op == TOKarrayliteral || newval->op 
== TOKassocarrayliteral || newval->op == TOKstring || newval->op == 
TOKslice || newval->op == TOKnull)' on line 2680 in file 'interpret.c'"

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