Learning With D

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at gmail.com
Sat May 21 23:12:28 PDT 2011


I am making this announcement since there is an article contest and this might fit into that. I started writing what I hoped would turn into a fairly complete book. I am releasing the current content under the creative commons license. If this is reasonable for submission in the contest the great, but I just thought it would be good to get what I have out there while a number of other articles are going to be getting some attention. Now on to the details.

This book is intended to teach programming from the ground up. As such it isn't about comparing languages or discussing specific features. We all know D would make a very good first language, and I want to provide some material that makes this possible. And I really want the user to go from first time "Python" programmer to basic "C" programmer.

While I am no where near complete and I really have never worked out an outline, I am providing both a PDF and a tex file for those that actually know what they are doing. One approach that I think many will like is the Common Errors sections which is meant to help people identify what the compiler is saying when things go wrong.


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