D Database Connectivity

Mandeep mandeep at brars.co.in
Tue May 24 03:53:11 PDT 2011

On 05/24/2011 10:08 AM, Sean Kelly wrote:
> On May 22, 2011, at 11:49 PM, Mandeep Singh Brar wrote:
>> I have tried to port the jdbc drivers of postgres and sqlite along
>> with libodbcxx to D2/phobos. The library ddbc, having an API similar
>> to JDBC has been uploaded to dsource.org/projects/ddbc. Though
>> everything from JDBC (blobs etc) may not be working (or atleast have
>> not been tested), simple things like statements, callable statements
>> and prepared statements seem to be working and have been put in a
>> sample program on the home page.
> Nice work!  I'd like to see the API become a bit more D-like though.  For example, with overloading and the index operator, prepared statement parameters could be set like:
>     st[0] = "hello world";
> Similar with ResultSet for indexing, along with possibly an alternate way to specify the desired type:
>      rs[0].to!string();
>      rs[0].asString;
>      rs["stringType"].to!string();
> For licensing, have you considered the Boost license?

Anything is ok with me for licensing. But i am not sure how it works in 
case i am porting code from another language. The ported classes are 
LGPL, so i thought LGPL would be the way to go. I am not sure of what 
all i need to do to put up a license though. Was thinking of putting up 
information on the site page.

I had thought about your suggestion earlier of overloading operators and 
making it more d like, but did not go that way because i am not 
comfortable with those functionalities and would have to read a bit to 
do that. Anyone who understands that is more than welcome to do that if 
people feel it adds more value.
But my priority was to get more drivers up and running.


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