D2 port of Tango

Damian Ziemba nazriel at driv.pl
Wed Nov 2 15:29:22 PDT 2011

On Tue, 18 Oct 2011 20:27:40 +0300, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:

> +1 to Caligo. I agree that Tango is a good library (and was the best one
> for D1) but, IMHO, porting it to D2 is a bad idea.
> I'm the one who has a big D1+Tango project and I'd better rewrite it
> with D2+Phobos, because:
>      0. I don't want to have a "two standard libraries problem" with D2
> (which one to select?).
You don't have to. You can use Tango and Phobos together.
You can also use some selected modules :) For example in one of my 
projects I use cipher and digest modules from Tango and rest is Phobos.

>      1. Phobos has a better design (Tango is too complicated in some
> places, has a lot of things I (and a regular programmer IMHO) don't use,
> and has bad design decisions sometimes - both internal and user API)

I totally disagree :) Show me example of such bad decision.

>      2. Phobos has less _critical bugs_ because of better code control
> (e.g. Tango has memory corruption bug for a very long time in Vector
> container (#2064)).

Tickets and Patches are always welcome :)

>      3. There is no Andrei Alexandrescu clone to generate that perfect
> ideas for Tango.

This one made me rotfl in real :D Haha. Tango had some best developers in 
D community including h3r3tic, Kris, Fawzi, Sean and so on, so on :)

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