cuteDoc -New DDOC theme

Robik szadows at
Sat Oct 29 00:08:03 PDT 2011

Nick Sabalausky Wrote:

> "Robik" <szadows at> wrote in message 
> news:j8f14s$1o78$1 at
> > Hi.
> >
> > I'd like to share with new theme for DDOC named CuteDoc. It can be
> > found here: .
> >
> > Live demo can be foudn here: . (Thanks to
> > dav1d (from #d) for hosting it).
> >
> Cute theme! (A ha! A pun!)
> Little suggestion: If you leave the "modules" and "jump to" already-expanded 
> in the HTML, and then use JS to flatten them upon page load, then it'll work 
> for everyone, not just those who have JS enabled. It's never good to assume 
> JS.
> One other issue: When both "modules" and "jump to" are expanded, the bottom 
> half of the "jump to" is hidden under the bottom frame of the browser window 
> and completely inaccessible, and scrolling dosn't help (And that's even when 
> I have the browser maximized). Frames have never really been considered good 
> style on the web, and floating boxes are not far off from frames. You may 
> want to consider making them non-floaty: it'll take a *lot* less work to 
> make it work right for everyone.

Thanks for cool suggestions.

About second issue, which web browser do you use?

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