AI Challenge - Ants

Sean Kelly sean at
Sat Oct 29 11:00:29 PDT 2011

If you want to cheat, there have been books published on ant colony optimization.  I'm sure the related papers could be dug up. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 29, 2011, at 3:12 AM, Max Wolter <awishformore at> wrote:

> On 10/25/2011 1:44 PM, Trass3r wrote:
>>> I'm working on a bot in D. I'm currently done implementing the A*
>>> algorithm for path finding
>> Dump A*, D* Lite ftw ;)
> Hellooo.
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but in A*, I can just find a path, store it (let's say as a string) and find a new one if it's blocked for some reason.
> As far as I could see from what I've read about Lifelong A*, D*, Focused D* and D* Lite, I would have to store all nodes used in the algorithm - so, as opposed to A*, I have to conserve the state of the entire search algorithm throughout ticks, for each ant.
> Is the environment in this AI challenge really noisy enough to warrant this? Obviously, if the path needs to be re-planned almost every tick, D* Lite seems like a better choice to me. But if you have 100+ ants, that would be a lot of allocated heap memory, wouldn't it?
> I really don't have a clue how the processing vs allocating should be weighed here performance-wise.
> /Max

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