dmd 1.070 and 2.055 release

Andrej Mitrovic andrej.mitrovich at
Thu Sep 8 16:34:31 PDT 2011

On 9/8/11, zeljkog <zeljkog at> wrote:
> alias toUTFz!(const(wchar)*, string) toUTF16z;
> alias toUTFz!(const(wchar)*, wstring) toUTF16z;

I think one difference (if I'm right) is that using a non-templated
function such as this:

const(wchar)* toUTF16z(string s)
    return toUTFz!(const(wchar)*)(s);

can enable me to pre-compile a module to an object file (call it
unicode.obj), while using an alias the object code for toUTF16z has to
be generated when the client module (main.d) is compiled.

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