Mono-D 0.3.5

alex info at
Sun Apr 1 14:38:46 PDT 2012

On Thursday, 29 March 2012 at 22:39:36 UTC, F i L wrote:
> For what it's worth, I don't like the new "mixin" coloring. 
> It's colored like a type now, which doesn't make sense to me 
> (in some cases it does, aka: mixin Template name). One of the 
> things I like about MonoDevelop is that I can color seporate 
> many different things: types, attributes, flow control, etc.. 
> but now mixin looks like I'm defining a variable, which isn't 
> usually how I use mixins.

Meh, I guess I'll highlight mixin like 'private' and 'const' are 
highlighted - so as it was more like an attribute, not a type 
anymore :)

> Also, code completion seems to randomly die in this release. 
> Not sure exactly what causes it since it seems to only happens 
> when working with larger files and randomly. I think it might 
> be something to do with template variadic parameters. If I come 
> across something a more concrete, I'll post an bug report.

Yeah sure, I cleaned up a lot of stuff - perhaps some hopefully 
minor things got broken - and variadic parameters aren't really 

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