Video: Generic Programming Galore using D @ Strange Loop 2011

Denis Shelomovskij verylonglogin.reg at
Tue Apr 17 01:00:30 PDT 2012

17.04.2012 7:55, Andrei Alexandrescu написал:
> On 4/16/12 10:00 AM, Denis Shelomovskij wrote:
>> 11.04.2012 20:23, Andrei Alexandrescu написал:
>>> Andrei
>> 27:17
>> It's valid to pass an empty list. Compilation will fail when T.length =
>> 1 for 'x[1]'.
>> Andrei is really looking embarrassed telling this like if he knows it's
>> a lie but he has to say it because something forces him to do it... He
>> waged somebody it? :)
> I think "lie" would be pushing it. The point made is clear albeit I
> rendered it clumsily - static if does not attempt to compile the branch
> not taken.
> Andrei

And I even haven't mentioned my point. These videos are great for D 
newbies (and also very good for other bastards like me too) and should 
be listed on just like articles because it isn't obvious for a 
newbie to search through the NG for videos (and, maybe, some videos 
supersedes older ones).

It's pity that a video is read-only and it isn't easy to fix slips of 
the tongue like this one. Maybe some notes can be added?

Anyway, these (Andrei's and Walter's) videos are too good to not list 
them on the site.

Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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