»Haskell vs. D« backstage discussion featuring Andrei and Walter at Lang.NEXT

Brad Anderson eco at gnuk.net
Wed Apr 18 10:13:54 PDT 2012

On Wednesday, 18 April 2012 at 17:05:08 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 4/17/2012 9:00 PM, bearophile wrote:
> > I think the problem of ~100 open pull requests needs to be
> faced better. People
> > that see their patches rot in that list probably don't feel
> rewarded enough to
> > submit more patches.
> Consider that 8 out of 9 submitted pull requests for dmd have 
> been pulled, and the current unpulled list does not include 
> solutions for issues people are regarding as critical blockers.

It might be a good policy to have the submitter (or even 
yourself) close pull requests that aren't ready for merging and 
reopen them once they are ready to be reviewed. This would help 
make the queue more manageable and easier to see what's ready to 
consider and what is not (it's a shame pull requests don't have 
simple tagging/labeling like GitHub's issues).

Brad Anderson

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