Introducing vibe.d!

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at
Sun Apr 29 01:31:07 PDT 2012

Am 29.04.2012 08:13, schrieb bls:
> Great job. Thanks Soenke et al;
>> - Built-in support for MongoDB and Redis databases
> MySQL.
> Like other folks here I need a SQL db, At least for MyQL 5.1 there is a
> socket based solution from Steve Teale.
> Means no licence trouble, and probably easier to establish async support.

This looks like an ideal starting point. The license is of course very 
similar to the MIT license, but I would like to keep everything in the 
core library under a uniform license. Otherwise it could of course also 
be a VPM package. But in general this looks so simple to port that I 
would even just do it if no one else wants to have a shot.

> Quote
> Additional drivers are easy to port to vibe.d because of the blocking
> API - basically the only thing that has to be done is to replace the
> socket calls (send(), recv(), connect() etc.) with the corresponding
> vibe functions.
> EndQuote
> Can you elaborate a bit more ? Maybe using the vibe.d blog.

Good idea, it will put something together.

> There is also a socket based PostgreSQL driver available, but I have
> lost the link and dunno about the status quo.
> ----
> A MIT licenced *D2 crypto lib worth a look :
> *not up to date

Looks nice. If it had support for SSL/TLS, we could even drop the libssl 
dependency. However, I'm currently leaning towards just wrapping 
libcrypto since we need it anyway for libssl and it's actively maintained.

> ----
> Whishes:
> diet template documentation.

This is the next point on the documentation todo list.

> diet template javascript example

I will add one. You can use something like
		function myFunction(){
But this was just added yesterday so you need a current GIT snapshot.

> server side QR-code generation. (well may be I am able to contribute)

Would be great. If you want, you could also make a github repository for 
this with a package.json file and I will put it into the VPM registry. 
The registry is currently still a manual process but it will be extended 
so that anyone can register and publish packages. Some features such as 
package signing are still missing for that.

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