Pull freeze

Jesse Phillips Jessekphillips+D at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 09:19:34 PDT 2012

On Sunday, 29 July 2012 at 12:00:16 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:
> On Sunday, 29 July 2012 at 11:43:41 UTC, Robert Clipsham wrote:
>> 4. You can pull regression/bug fixes into the release branch
> Just to clarify: »Pulling« in this context means 
> cherry-picking individual bug fixes critical for the release 
> from the main branch. Virtually all changes and pull requests 
> still go on the main branch first, and are then »backported« 
> onto the release branch.
> And by the way, you don't even need a DVCS for that. Many 
> SVN-based open source projects use a »branch-before-release« 
> workflow as well.
> David

That couldn't possibly be clarification. Otherwise step 5 
wouldn't be needed.

I don't know much about using cherry picking, but it doesn't 
really seem like what we'd want.

Walter would need to pull into master then cherry pick it into 
release. Those trying to resolve a regression will be thrown into 
any changes being made against master, which could be a 
refactoring of const...

It seems to me cherry picking works better for a living branch. 
Release will be short lived. If we went with a stable branch... 
then I could see the cherry picking come into play.

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