dmd 1.075 and 2.060 release
Marco Leise
Marco.Leise at
Fri Aug 3 20:01:56 PDT 2012
Am Fri, 03 Aug 2012 22:27:27 +0200
schrieb Jordi Sayol <g.sayol at>:
> Al 03/08/12 21:22, En/na Jacob Carlborg ha escrit:
> > On 2012-08-03 14:47, Jordi Sayol wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> It's based on "" at
> >
> > How about that. It should absolutely be bundled with the .zip.
> >
> dmd deb and rpm packages include it, but this script do not works out of the box. bash-completion package must be installed, and the script should be placed in a specific folder.
Yeah, and the Windows executables don't work out of the box on Linux either; Wine has to be installed. :-] Aside from that the "specific folder" likely depends on the used OS. (Gentoo uses /usr/share/bash-completion/ and symlinks in /etc/bash_completion.d/)
But I think it is like "rdmd" and should be in the .zip file as "dmd.bashcomp" or similar, maybe in some sort of "extras" folder with a README, that explains what it is and where to put it. For the package I maintain I kept downloading the .zip and the .dep, just to integrate the bash completion file. It is good to know where I find the latest version from now on!
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