"D Language and Fortran DLL" article

Michael pr at m1xa.com
Wed Aug 15 12:17:39 PDT 2012

> I was referring to indentation, i.e.
>     version
>     else version
>     else

Without indentation it looks like C++ #if defined that's ugly for 

>> On Tuesday, 14 August 2012 at 07:32:05 UTC, xenon325 wrote:
>>> 3. Some lines of code are outside of main area (like 49, 50).
>>>  Tested on Opera, FF, IE.
>> BitBucket bug, but fixed manually.
> Hm, I still see lines are outside.
What is your browser? IE, FF, Chrome, Opera - ok.

> Another one. I don't have d compiler at hand (and for some 
> reason DPaste isn't working too), but I think this should work 
> fine:
> void checkAndThrow(void * pointer, int line = __LINE__)
> and than call it just like
> checkAndThrow( ptr);
Thanks, it works on dmd 2.060.

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