D version of MicroEmacs

MattCoder mattcoder at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 19 15:58:13 PDT 2012

I'm trying to build this on Windows, but:

[ With dmd version 2.057 ]

C:\med>make -fwin32.mak DMD=dmd
dmd -c -g display
display.d(860): Error: function display.vtputs called with 
argument types:
matches both:
         display.vtputs(const(char[]) s, int startcol)
         display.vtputs(const(dchar[]) s, int startcol)
display.d(866): Error: function display.vtputs called with 
argument types:
matches both:
         display.vtputs(const(char[]) s, int startcol)
         display.vtputs(const(dchar[]) s, int startcol)

--- errorlevel 1

[ With dmd version 2.060 ]

C:\med2>make -fwin32.mak DMD=dmd
dmd -c -g ed

dmd -c -g basic
C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\file.d(530): Error: 
undefined identifier WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA

--- errorlevel 1

Any clues?

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