Mono-D v0.4.1.2 - Heavily improved performance + Completion bugs removed

alex info at
Thu Aug 23 16:35:34 PDT 2012

On Thursday, 23 August 2012 at 23:23:39 UTC, Piotr Szturmaj wrote:
> alex wrote:
>> Then I fixed several issues with template parameter deduction 
>> - and
>> figured out several bugs or a kinda undefined behaviour of dmd:
>> class A(T) {
>>     class SubClass {}
>> }
>> class C(U: A!W.SubClass, W){}
>> class D : C!(A!int.SubClass) { } // is not allowed, but A!int 
>> is -- why?
> try marking SubClass with static keyword.

This works indeed, but nervertheless not for templated sub 
classes like
... { static class SubClass(U) {} }

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