Dpaste - online compiler and collaboration tool dedicated to D Programming Language.
spam at dzfl.pl
Fri Aug 31 13:40:01 PDT 2012
On Friday, 31 August 2012 at 20:16:53 UTC, bearophile wrote:
> nazriel:
>> Thank you for your suggestions!
> :-)
> To send a paste both codepad and ideone use "Submit", I find
> that word more natural than the "Save" used by DPaste, because
> most times what I want is the code to run.
I wanted to keep distinction between 2 different features:
Save - saving and (if checked) running code
Compile (for registered users) - running code without saving
paste itself
Not sure if Submit won't clear that distinction
> Also, my monitor has a largish font, so paste lines don't have
> too many columns. So have you tried to put the "Paste settings"
> on something like a horizontal ribbon at the top of the screen
> (like an actual program), and leave full width to the lines of
> code?
Would it be too much effort if I would ask for screenshot? Would
help me a lot to imagine how does it exactly looks. In overall I
try to change as less as possible when it comes to UI design. I
could ensure that 120 characters fits in one row (when default
font is used).
> Bye,
> bearophile
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