ACCU: Wednesday, December 12 - Chandler Carruth, "Clang & LLVM: C++ Compilers Still Matter"
deadalnix at
Tue Dec 11 21:33:56 PST 2012
For once, I can come. So I will !
On Monday, 10 December 2012 at 06:11:03 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> I thought that this is not completely off-topic as Clang
> appears a lot on D forums. This talk is in Mountain View, CA.
> Ali
> When: Wednesday, December 12, 2012
> Topic: Clang & LLVM: C++ Compilers Still Matter
> Speaker: Chandler Carruth
> Time: 6:30pm doors open
> 7:00pm meeting begins
> Where: Symantec
> VCAFE building
> 350 Ellis Street (near E. Middlefield Road)
> Mountain View, CA 94043
> Map: <>
> Directions: VCAFE is accessible from the semicircular courtyard
> between Symantec buildings <>
> Cost: Free
> Compilers are among programmers' old-hat tools. We use them
> day-in, and day-out, but often we don't pay them very much
> attention. They take our source code, turn it into (hopefully
> efficient) executables and libraries, and, for most
> programmers, that is where the relationship ends. But all of
> that is changing. Today, programmers need rich and powerful
> tools to deal with the complexities and challenges of the
> modern C++ programming language and its ever larger and
> faster-growing code bases.
> I'm going to introduce you to a compiler which is changing the
> way people think about compilers: Clang. What is Clang? What
> makes it different from all the other C++ compilers out there?
> Why does it matter? What can you do with Clang? What will you
> be able to do because of Clang in the next year, the next
> lustrum, and the next decade? I'll dive into all of these
> questions and more. At the end of this talk, you will be
> familiar with Clang, you will want to use it the next time you
> write C++ code, and hopefully you will think about C++, both
> language and codebases, with a fundamentally different
> perspective.
> Chandler Carruth leads the LLVM and Clang teams at Google,
> building better compilers, diagnostics, tools, and more.
> Previously, he worked on several pieces of Google's distributed
> build system. He makes guest appearances helping to maintain a
> few core C++ libraries across Google's codebase, and is active
> in the LLVM and Clang open source communities. He received his
> M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from Wake Forest University,
> but disavows all knowledge of the contents of his Master's
> thesis. He is regularly found drinking Cherry Coke Zero in the
> daytime and pontificating over a single malt scotch in the
> evening.
> Meetings are open to the public and are free of charge.
> ---- Upcoming ACCU talks -----
> Wednesday, January 9, 2013
> Jon Kalb
> C++ Exception Safety
> ---------
> The ACCU meets monthly. Meetings are always open to the public
> and are free of charge. To suggest topics and speakers please
> email Walter Vannini via walterv at
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