Awesomium D wrappers/bindings

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at
Fri Dec 14 11:29:25 PST 2012

Am 14.12.2012 17:50, schrieb Nick Sabalausky:
> On Fri, 14 Dec 2012 13:22:28 +0100
> Sönke Ludwig <sludwig at> wrote:
>> It also doesn't seem to be ported to the mobile platforms,
>> which makes it an uncertain development target.
> Don't the mobile platforms provide web-view components anyway? Or does
> all the sandboxing on them prevent loading one up with a file:/// url?

They do (Windows and Mac OS in fact do, too), but then you have to support multiple browser engines
with different APIs. The level of control can also be quite limited (or cumbersome to achieve) for
some applications. Having a single engine with the same behavior across all platforms would be nice
to have.

But the most important point (for me) is that the web-view controls do not support off-screen
rendering, so you have to use the native UI framework, which further reduces the possible code reuse
and flexibility.

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