
Namespace rswhite4 at
Sat Dec 29 09:30:29 PST 2012

On Friday, 28 December 2012 at 21:19:47 UTC, Namespace wrote:
> Update:
> Now available: auto ref compiler.
> Because I assume that the 'auto ref' situation won't be fixed 
> in this release, I wrote a workaround which provides remedy. 
> But I still hope, that someone writes a solution.
> So these code:
> is converted to: 
> It isn't perfect because _all_ possible permutation (2^n) are 
> generated, but better than nothing.

And now it works even with Visual Studio (on Windows).
It generates new files and generates for functions with auto ref 
parameter all possible permutations.
So it is a workaround as long as there is nothing comparable in D.

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