Modern COM Programming in D

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at
Wed Jan 25 22:12:29 PST 2012

On Thursday, 26 January 2012 at 03:50:38 UTC, Lionello Lunesu 

> Hmm, this would work beautifully! tlbimpd could be extended to 
> generate the same kind of wrappers for each COM 
> object/interface.
> About WinRT... That's actually how my code started out. There 
> are still some WinR Treferences in the slides that I should 
> have removed. Anyway, now that WinRT is 'out in the open' 
> that's no longer an issue. So, yes, the same trick works for 
> all of WinRT.

Looked more in depth at your code I see that you demonstrated the 
"D IDL" which I think is what tlbimpd is doing, still need to 
piece all these components together myself.

Looking at the Wikipage on WinRT, it seems that tlb is being 
"dropped" and replaced with a meta data format similar to .Net's. 
This would definitely be a nice area to have expanded.

There is also a comparison you do and I'm curious how you see 
this one working. VARIANT -> std.variant. In Juno the Variant 
struct is defined and it seems their are functions which take 
that type. Isn't the struct definition still going to be required 
for interoperability. It could be made transparent to the user 

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