DStep - Bindings Generator 0.0.1

Roman D. Boiko rb at d-coding.com
Sun Jul 8 15:13:26 PDT 2012

On Sunday, 8 July 2012 at 20:01:07 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2012-07-08 20:42, Walter Bright wrote:
>> Since OC is a proper superset of C, this shouldn't be a 
>> problem. Just
>> run the OC converter as your "C" compiler.
> That is not completely true if one is picky. The following code 
> is legal C, but not legal Objective-C :
> int id;
> int nil;
> In Objective-C "id" is a type.
I suppose this symptom will repeat in the future. I mean, for a 
particular file extension there may be several code importers. An 
(exotic?) example might be when some existing code uses one 
converter, but for some reason new code should use a different 

What about using the something like this:

mixin convertImport!"header.h";

with ability to specify a particular converter as second template 

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