Coming Soon: Stable D Releases!

Jesse Phillips Jessekphillips+D at
Wed Jul 18 09:11:07 PDT 2012

On Monday, 16 July 2012 at 19:35:47 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

> I agree this would be more direct. But I fail to see how Walter 
> cherry-picking stuff is "basically no additional work", whereas 
> Adam doing essentially the same is an unenviable "amount of 
> labor".

Well, if things go well, there is a system that could make things 
much simpler. But my thought would that Walter wouldn't need to 
touch the stable branch. The only benefit for the new org is a 
separate set of contributes and separate pull requests.

If this system takes off, while still having a cost to Walter, 
there would be a stable branch which get all the bug fixes and 
the new feature branch. When adding a bug fix just merge the 
stable branch into the feature branch. This won't always be a 
clean merge.

Good luck Adam.

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