Tiny Redis- a Redis driver for D

Adil simplyadilb at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 10:17:05 PDT 2012

On Friday, 27 July 2012 at 09:10:19 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-07-26 at 16:39 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>> On 7/26/12 4:29 PM, Adil wrote:
>> > Announcing Tiny Redis.
>> >
>> > Tiny Redis is a Redis driver for the D programming language 
>> > (v2). The
>> > api is minimalist and makes working with Redis trivial.
>> [snip]
>> Awesome! On reddit:
>> http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/x7js2/tiny_redis_a_redis_driver_for_the_d_programming/
> OK, but does this actually achieve anything to aid uptake of D? 
> If D is
> to get traction, there should be a maintained page of validated
> libraries and frameworks.
> When people want to know things about a language they use 
> Google and
> want links to pages other than things like GMane or Reddit. 
> Actually put
> "dlang tiny redis" into Google and there is no mention of 
> Reddit.  OK so
> the first link is to this exchange in the forum (which is 
> good), but the
> second link (for me when I did it, but as we know Google do an 
> awful lot
> of anti-SEO) is to the Go libraries pages:
> http://go-lang.cat-v.org/pure-go-libs
> This page is not really the right one for Go these days,
> http://godashboard.appspot.com/project is. The beauty of all 
> this is I
> can do, for example:
> go get github.com/mattn/go-gtk/gtk
> and now I have access to the Go GTK API.
>         package main
>         import "github.com/mattn/go-gtk/gtk"
>         func main ( ) {
>         	gtk.Init ( nil )
>         	window := gtk.Window ( gtk.GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL )
>         	window.SetTitle ( "Hello World." )
>         	window.Connect ( "destroy" , func ( w *gtk.GtkWidget , 
> userData string ) { gtk.MainQuit ( ) } , "Dummy string." )
>         	window.Add ( gtk.Label ( "Hello World." ) )
>         	window.ShowAll ( )
>         	gtk.Main ( )
>         }
> I wonder if having one person working on a package management 
> system for
> D as a side-project is a missed opportunity for D. Putting more 
> effort
> and resource into this aspect of D is probably far more 
> constructive to
> traction than tinkering with the language, the compiler and
> optimization.
> I appreciate that GTK is actually something of a minority 
> thing, but it
> stands as a great example of how Go has a core and a supported 
> way of
> dealing with contributed extras. D has a core (Phobos) and a 
> collection
> of emails and posts on forums.
> I know actions speak louder than words but for the moment all 
> my actions
> have to be with Python and Groovy in order to create income. If 
> I could
> create income from D, I'd be doing less waffling here about D 
> and more
> acting.

I second this proposal. My line of work, web and server-side 
development, routinely requires a mix of many libraries (ORMs, 
NoSQL apis, Social network API among others) that have many 
competing implementations and are constantly in the state of 
flux. Not to mention they change frequently from project to 

Having a package manager that allows me to install a library with 
all its dependencies in one command eases development of 
server-side applications in D. It will make it more conducive to 
a lot of web/application developers to start using D in their 
projects, and hence introduce it into their organizations.

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