I'll be in Seattle at Lang.NEXT

David Nadlinger see at klickverbot.at
Thu Mar 15 10:55:25 PDT 2012

On Thursday, 15 March 2012 at 15:38:59 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> Somewhat unexpectedly even to me, I'll be in Seattle for the 
> Lang.NEXT conference together with Walter. Both of us will give 
> talks.
> http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Lang-NEXT/Lang-NEXT-2012

Now if only all these tech conferences didn't happen to be held 
in the US and/or overseas flights from Europe were cheaper (same 
for the D conference :()…

But as the sessions will be recorded and the speaker line-up sure 
promises a lot of interesting talks, my disappointment could be 
worse. :P


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