Introducing vibe.d!

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at
Sat May 19 13:41:56 PDT 2012

Am 19.05.2012 12:50, schrieb bioinfornatics:
> How do a manual install on linux ?
> I am a fedora user they are no specialized or common install
> documentation!

Something like

yum install libevent-devel
yum install openssl-devel

instead of "apt-get install libevent-dev openssl-dev" should work. You 
then only need dmd (with rdmd) installed and unzip or git clone vibe. 
You can then optionally put a symbolic link in /usr/bin:

ln -s /path/to/vibe/bin/vibe /usr/bin/vibe

Hope this helps.

(if it does, I will add it as instructions to the README)

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