
Tavi Cacina octavian.cacina at
Mon Nov 5 23:42:06 PST 2012

On Monday, 5 November 2012 at 17:54:32 UTC, Namespace wrote:
> I am considering to rewrite Remus from the ground up.
> Because I hope that Remus earn next time more interest, I would 
> like to vote or discuss the features.
> As there would be:
>   - Not null references. Example: Foo& f / int& i. Maybe only 
> for Objects?
>   - not null safe invocation. Example: 
> some_obj?.do_something();
>   - Elvis operator. Example: Foo result = foo ?: new Foo();
>   - Stack instances with own keyword? For example, with 
> 'local' as it is now.
>   - Package import? Example: import package std: stdio, array, 
> regex;
>   - Namespaces?
> What is preferred by this list / what not? What should be 
> included in any case in Remus / what not?

I'm learning the D language right now, and I can not say that 
I've missed any of these things. They may offer some 'syntactic 
sugar', but the D is very expressive anyway. Ex: for safe 
invocation I would use an assert/enforce anyway if there is a 
chance the object is null. The 'import package' whould be usefull 

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