[OT] Clang seems to implement modules

Peter Alexander peter.alexander.au at gmail.com
Sun Nov 18 13:48:35 PST 2012

On Sunday, 18 November 2012 at 21:21:12 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> Also, I think that so many C/C++ devs are so used to the 
> compile times that
> they get with them that it's nowhere near the top of the list 
> of features that
> they want. It probably didn't even occur to many of them. Not 
> to mention, if
> you think that fixing the problem isn't really even feasible 
> (and I have no
> idea how it's feasible as long as the pre-processor or textual 
> inclusion is
> involved), then it's definitely not going to be on the list of 
> things that
> you're asking for.

Check the comments in the post I linked to. It's at the top of 
just about everyone's list (except Herb's, apparently).

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