Component Programming in D

renoX renozyx at
Thu Oct 4 08:06:33 PDT 2012

On Wednesday, 3 October 2012 at 21:40:06 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> On 10/03/2012 05:59 PM, renoX wrote:
>> I have some mixed feeling about component programming: add in 
>> all the
>> examples the requirement to give the context (line number for 
>> example)
>> where something happened (either a match or an error) and 
>> suddendly
>> component programming becomes much more "tricky"!!
> Just zip the range with a range of context information, just as 
> would be done with an explicit loop.

Yes, of course it's possible, but when you add filename, line 
numbers, column numbers (etc) the beautiful pipeline looks much 
less pretty..
Worse: each time you want to add some context, you have to modify 
the pipeline in a non-local way: take a -> b -> c -> d: you want 
to have more information in d from a's context, b and c must be 
modified to propagate the context..

When you have objects which encapsulate contexts, this becomes 
less an issue..


>> So for me component programming looks good on paper, but not 
>> so much in
>> the real world..
>> renoX

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