ddox documentation generator

Sönke Ludwig sludwig at outerproduct.org
Sun Oct 7 09:06:24 PDT 2012

The documentation generator used for vibed.org (e.g.
http://vibed.org/api/vibe.core.file/FileStream) is now available as a
stand-alone project:


also available as a VPM module:


 - Supports DDOC sections and macros
 - Fully interlinked types
 - Automatically inherits members and documentation from base classes
 - Clean structure without endless spaghetti pages (customizable)
 - Diet template based and thus fully customizable output
 - Built-in HTTP server for local docs serving
 - Easily embeddable into existing vibe.d based sites
 - Can generate offline documentation as HTML files
 - Function for filtering the DMD .json file by module prefixes,
protection level and doc comment

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