Slides from LASER 2012

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Thu Sep 20 07:23:30 PDT 2012

Andrei Alexandrescu:

> In particular, Martin has been quite impressed with our 
> approach to purity and immutability. We are considering a 
> collaboration with one of his students on a paper to formalize 
> the approach and possibly adapt it to Scala.

Formalizing D purity is probably possible, but it already has 
many special cases, and few more are coming (see Bugzilla on 

Regarding cross pollination with Scala: despite I generally don't 
like lazy lists in high-performance code, in many other kinds of 
code they are very handy, as in Haskell, Perl6 and Scala (in 
Scala they are named purely functional lazy streams).

If you take a look at Python/Scala/C# code that generates values 
lazily, the Range-based version in D is sometimes several times 
longer, much more easy to get wrong, harder to write, etc.

This is Haskell code to test if just the leaves of two binary 
trees contain the same data, this code is lazy:

data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)

fringe :: Tree a -> [a]
fringe (Leaf x) = [x]
fringe (Node n1 n2) = fringe n1 ++ fringe n2

sameFringe :: (Eq a) => Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool
sameFringe t1 t2 = fringe t1 == fringe t2

Doing the same thing in D, using ranges, is possible, but the 
code is ten times longer or more:

Similar code is possible in Scala (and in this case most of the 
saving of lines of code doesn't come from pattern matching and 
algebraic data types, but from the good support for lazy 
lists/streams). This kind of code is very common, even when you 
aren't coding in functional style.


> So, these are the slides I've used (though of course they don't 
> tell much of the story).

Thank you for the slides.
I hope we'll have the range-based min(), and argmin/argmax in 
Phobos :-)


At page 33:

auto m = s.argmin!((x) => x.length);

This isn't compiled with -property. So what's the right way to 
write D code?

In Python to avoid that lambda there is a len() global function, 
that just calls the __len__ attribute/property of collections and 
objects. So an equivalent Python version is:

auto m = s.argmin!len;


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