D reaches 1000 questions on stackoverflow

Paul Jurczak pauljurczak at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 17 02:21:25 PDT 2013

On Saturday, 17 August 2013 at 01:05:18 UTC, Tyler Jameson Little 
> It's true though that there are much better answers (and 
> questions) here than on SO, and I'm beginning to shift my 
> search from Google to the forum search, but this isn't 
> something a newcomer will know to do, especially since many 
> other languages put more emphasis on SO.

Speaking of searching on this forum: in Chrome, the search box in 
top right corner of this page has a peculiar feature of being 
mostly a clickable link item to forum.dlang.org. Only a small 
fragment (about 25%) shows a text cursor.

Sorry for posting this issue here, but I didn't find a suitable 
category in forum index. Maybe one could be created - "Forum use 

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