DUB 0.9.21 beta 1

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Mon Dec 2 00:19:54 PST 2013

On 2013-12-02 09:10, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

> It's similar. By default, for library projects, it generates a maim
> module of the form
> ---
> module test_main;
> import <library_name.main_module>;
> import std.stdio;
> import core.runtime;
> void main() { writeln("All unit tests were successful."); }
> ---
> and runs it with build type "unittest".

What if there isn't a main module for the library?

> It also supports setting a custom file containing main(), so that for
> example custom unit test runners can be specified and similar things. In
> this case, the generated file looks like this:
> ---
> module test_main;
> import <library_name.main_module>;
> import <custom_main_module>;
> ---

How is the custom file specified?

> For packages with only executable configurations it behaves the same as
> "dub run --build=unittest".

This doesn't support having the unit tests in a separate folder?

/Jacob Carlborg

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