"Programming in D" book is about 78% translated

Dejan Lekic dejan.lekic at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 12:20:49 PST 2013

Peter Sommerfeld wrote:

> Dejan Lekic wrote:
>> I have yet to see a Kindle or ePUB scientific book that can be compared
>> to the  paper one... I stopped buying scientific literature for Kindle...
>> I buy  only novels.
> Me too! Unfortunately I bought Andrei's book for Kindle. It occasionally
> blocks on Kindle, even after I have reloaded it a few times. Works well
> on my laptop though. Theoretically searching would be an advantage for
> electronic books, but it is nearly useless without complex queries. And
> the table of contents lists chapters only...
> Peter

Good to see that I am not the only one... :) Yes, search and hyperlinks are 
advantage, but the so far I rarely search, I read book from first page to the 
last, and the most important thing for me is the readability. Even the source 
code is formatted poorly in ePUB and Kindle, especially if I decide to increase 
slightly the overall font size in the book by few points...

Dejan Lekic
dejan.lekic (a) gmail.com

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