SDLang-D v0.8.1 - Initial release of SDL (Simple Declarative Language) for D
Nick Sabalausky
SeeWebsiteToContactMe at
Thu Feb 28 00:02:24 PST 2013
SDLang-D is an SDL (Simple Declarative Language) library for D.
Original SDL:
SDL is similar to JSON or XML, except it's:
* Less verbose
* Type-aware
This is what SDL looks like (some of these examples, and more, are from
the SDL site):
first "Joe"
last "Coder"
numbers 12 53 2 635
names "Sally" "Frank N. Stein"
pets chihuahua="small" dalmation="hyper" mastiff="big"
mixed 34.7f "Tim" somedate=2010/08/14
myNamespace:person name="Joe Coder" {
age 36
Differences from original Java implementation:
* API is completely redesigned for D.
* License is zlib/libpng, not LGPL. (No source from the Java or
Ruby implementations was used or looked at.)
* Anonymous tags are named "" (ie, empty string) not "content". Not
sure yet whether or not this will change in the future.
* Dates with unknown or invalid time zones use a special type
indicating "unknown time zone" (DateTimeFracUnknownZone) instead of
assuming GMT.
Still TODO (in no order):
* Major improvements to API for Tags.
* Ability to write SDL output, not just read it.
* Make sure that all forms of newlines are handled correctly.
(Unix-style '\n' definitely works right. Not certian about Win-style
'\r\n', Mac9-style '\r' or special Unicode newlines.)
* Make this a DUB package.
* Improve docs.
More information about the SDL language itself is here:
D implementation's homepage and readme:
API reference:
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