D 1.076 and 2.061 release

Dmitry Olshansky dmitry.olsh at gmail.com
Thu Jan 3 00:25:41 PST 2013

1/3/2013 12:22 PM, Russel Winder пишет:
> On Wed, 2013-01-02 at 13:59 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:
> […]
>> rhythmbox is a miserable program (at least on Ubuntu). It has a marvy feature
>> where it randomly stops playing, and only a cold boot will bring it back. It
>> also has random problems syncing with my music file database which is on a
>> Windows shared folder. Getting it to recognize a just-added CD was an exercise
>> in madness. I usually wound up deleting rhythmbox's settings file and starting over.
> There was a period prior to Canonical dropping Rhythmbox and then later
> reinstating it as the default player, that there were some problems with
> Rhythmbox failing to work. It was painful. for the last couple of years
> though, Rhythmbox has worked entirely fine for me on Debian Unstable
> with none of the problems seen during that period. So Rhythmbox on
> Debian works fine for me, far better than any other Linux offering.  OS
> X offerings I have tried all, universally, fail to be at all appealing
> or even useful.
>> I finally threw in the towel and don't use Ubuntu to play music anymore.
> I threw in the towel on Ubuntu when Unity came out as the default UI.
Going OT but can't agree more :)

Dmitry Olshansky

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