Shared Libraries [was Re: D 1.076 and 2.061 release]

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Mon Jan 7 04:36:35 PST 2013

On 2013-01-07 11:14, Robert Clipsham wrote:

> Note that this no longer appears to be the case, at least with clang (OS
> X 10.7.5):

Mac OS X Lion (10.7) got support for TLS. But that means that the whole 
TLS needs to be redone in the compiler (output data to correct segments 
and similar) and in the runtime. The compiler would also need to be able 
to fallback to emulating as it currently does or we will loose the 
support for Mac OS X 10.6. Alternatively it might be possible to run the 
"real" TLS on Mac OS X 10.6 but then we would need to implement some 
parts of the dynamic linker into the D runtime.

/Jacob Carlborg

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